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Mom was right

Boost Productivity and Find Your Dream Job: Mom Was Right!

July 10, 20243 min read

"As you become more aligned with the truth of who you are, the question of liking yourself goes away. It is a natural state of being."Rachel Archelaus

Boost Productivity and Find Your Dream Job: Mom Was Right!

Ever had a nagging feeling that you're not in the right job? Or maybe you're feeling stressed and unproductive at work? If so, my mom might have been onto something when she told me to find work that I truly enjoy. There's a fascinating concept called "workstyle alignment" that could be the key to unlocking your full potential and finding true job satisfaction.

What is Workstyle Alignment?

Workstyle alignment is the sweet spot where your natural preferences for how you work match up with the actual tasks and requirements of your job. It's like finding a puzzle piece that fits perfectly – everything just clicks.

The McFletcher Corporation, the brains behind the Workstyle Patterns Process, has developed a proven system to help individuals and organizations achieve this alignment. They've identified four key orientations of work:

  1. Task Orientation: These folks love diving into specific tasks and getting things done. Think surgeons or skilled tradespeople.

  2. Project Orientation: These individuals thrive on managing projects and coordinating teams to achieve goals. Project managers and team leaders often fall into this category.

  3. Organization Orientation: These big-picture thinkers focus on strategy, goals, and the overall direction of the organization. This is where you'll find executives and strategic planners.

  4. Adapting Orientation: This group is flexible and comfortable with a variety of work styles, but they may not have a strong preference for any one orientation.

Why Does Workstyle Alignment Matter?

Misalignment between your workstyle preference and your job can lead to stress, burnout, and low productivity. Imagine a task-oriented person stuck in a role that requires constant meetings and collaboration. Or a big-picture thinker bogged down in minute details. It's a recipe for unhappiness.

The Workstyle Patterns Process

The Workstyle Patterns Process involves a series of scientifically validated inventories that help you identify your workstyle preference, the work you're currently doing, and the expectations of your position. A certified coach then guides you through the results and helps you develop a personalized action plan to achieve alignment.

Success Stories

Let's look at a couple of examples from the video:

  • Hal: Hal was a fantastic task-oriented worker who was promoted to a supervisory role that required more project and organizational orientation. He felt stressed and wasn't performing to his full potential until he understood his workstyle misalignment, communicated with his supervisor and made adjustments.

  • Alice: Alice had a strong preference for organization orientation, and luckily, her job closely aligned with her preferences. She was happy, productive, and fulfilled.

Take Action Today!

If you're ready to eliminate stress, boost productivity, and find work you truly love, it's time to discover your workstyle alignment. Future Ready Consulting offers certified coaching services for Workstyle Patternsto help you navigate the Workstyle Patterns Process and create a personalized action plan.

Contact us today for a free consultation and take the first step towards a more fulfilling career.

workstyle alignmentworkstyle patterns processjob satisfactionproductivitycareer coachingstress reduction
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J. E. Hurn

Janet Hurn has spent over 30 years in higher education and Distance Learning Administration. She loves to learn, innovate and impact. She has certifications in marketing, project management, Google and has experience in Instructional Design and is a Senior Instructor Emeritus of Physics. She currently serves as the Ohio Google Digital Coach.

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