We are dedicated to helping you align your work through the Workstyle Patterns®️ Alignment

4.9 happy customer reviews

We are certified to implement the WSP™️. The WSP™️ is a product of the McFletcher Corporation who is our certifying body.

Enjoy your work and increase your productivity and career satisfaction

Through Workstyle Patterns®️ you can take control of your career, work stress and productivity.

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Brands That Have Used WSP™️


celebrating graduates

For Students

Provides early guidance on career paths that align with their preferences, leading to greater career satisfaction.


For Job Seekers

Helps focus their search efforts by identifying suitable professions and positions


For Organizations

Enables them to optimize workforce performance, improve employee engagement, and create a more productive and fulfilling work environment. Contact us for a free consultation to get your team aligned today!



WSP™️ Inventories and Report

○ Preferred WorkStyle (WANT)

○ Actual WorkStyle (IS)

○ WorkStyle required for a specific position (SHOULD)


Database Research and Analytics

The McFletcher Corporation, the creator of WSP™, has spent nearly 50 years researching and developing the WSP™️ process and analysis.


Certified Providers

The McFletcher Corporation certifies each and every person that provides the WSP™️ and associated services.

"Through the WSP™ experience, we developed self-awareness and realized where our prior staffing had created both balance and imbalance of preference and skills across work groups. We gained important insights into team dynamics and member success."

Steven Black, Assistant Vice President, Wholesale Markets, GTE Network Services

"The WSP™ Inventory gets us out of the one-size-fits-all mentality. It gives our managers and our staff something to focus on at the person, team and organizational levels."

Unnamed source from Motorola, Inc.

"We used the WSP™ team assessments to create broad-based change management. We gained better alignment of our people and their work. Our coordination and communication has improved. We are recruiting differently and working more effectively as a team." -

Richard Clayton, General Manager, Border Operations, Badger Meter, Inc.

From the McFletcher Corporation


What do I get with the basic WSP™️?

You are getting a validated set of inventories based on the years of research and development by the McFletcher Corporation, two detailed alignment reports and an expert 2 hour interpretation that is part of the WSP™️ process. By the end of the process you will know the "want" and "is" of the work you are currently doing and know where alignment or misalignment exists AND strategies to improve your alignment.

How long does it take to do the two assessments?

It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the WSP™ Inventory. It contains two assessments to determine the type of work you want to do and the type of work you are currently doing. The "want" and "is" of your work.

What are the benefits of completing the WSP™?

The WSP™ Inventory can help individuals find their WorkStyle Fit, which are professions, positions, and opportunities that align with an individual's preferences. The WSP™ can help individuals become more productive, happier, and more satisfied at work. Additionally, it may reduce the likelihood of conflict and stress at work. The WSP™ has also been found to improve work environments, resulting in increased productivity, fewer errors and better quality, lower health care costs, less turnover, better customer relations, and improved training effectiveness.

I've taken so many of these "tests". Is this a personality test? How is this one different?

Great question! No. The WSP™ is not a personality test6. It measures work activities, not behaviors or personality traits. It measures how you think about and perform work. There are no better or worse results, scores, or Profiles. Each WSP™ Profile has an equally important and distinct contribution for effective work accomplishment.

How will this impact my future?

The knowledge you will gain from the WSP™️ and associated the associated report and interpretation will help you choose career pathways and give you language that will support your communications with your co-workers, supervisors and team members. You will be able to choose the type of work that you truly enjoy and are productive in.

Does it only apply to work situations?

No, and that is the beauty of WSP™️. This information can apply to family, church and sports team relationships as well! You will be able to be more productive and reduce your stress in all of these environments with the knowledge you gain from the WSP™️ Process.

I'm the head of a team (organization) that is struggling to work together. Can this help us perform in a more productive way?

Absolutely! The McFletcher Corporation has dozens of examples and case studies where the WSP™️ and associated process have positively impacted an organizations productivity, revenue generation and workplace satisfaction. Contact us for more information on how we can work with your organization! [email protected]

Enjoy Your Work and Create Greater Impact!

Don't wait another day. You can do this.